Our go to quick brew guides for some of the most popular brewing methods. These are a great base to work from & help you develop your coffee brewing skills.
Make sure your brewing equipment is cleaned before each use, old coffee on your brewing equipment makes everything taste bad.
Follow a brew recipe, weight & time are important for brewing consistently good coffee
investing in a good grinder really improves your coffee brewing process:
It will be fresher
You have more control over the brew
You can adjust for different brews

Prepare by ensuring you have clean equipment. If you haven’t already, flush your group head to remove old coffee grounds and wipe clean your basket.
Next, measure the coffee you are adding to the basket either by spoon or scales and evenly distribute the grounds inside your machines portafilter (alternatively known as basket).
Ensure you tamp firmly and flat so that the coffee flows evenly (this really affects flavour).
Aim for a 1:2 or 50% brew ratio and use weighing scales for best results. For example, 18grams of coffee in the basket and 36grams in the cup taking around 25 to 30 seconds is a great espresso recipe.
Serve quickly and enjoy!

Add filter paper to cap and rinse with plenty of water
Boil water
Place AeroPress in inverted position (widened sections on top and bottom of brewer, with screw cap facing up)
Grind your coffee at medium fine grind
Add 18g of ground coffee to brewing chamber of AeroPress and gently shake to ensure the coffee is level
Place AeroPress on scales and reset to zero
Start timer and pour in a circular motion, 200 grams of hot water
Stir five times and ensure all grounds are wet & then top up with 50 more grams of hot water and screw cap on the top of the AeroPress
At 1:45, carefully flip the AeroPress onto a vessel
At 3:00, press down firmly on the AeroPress to filter the brewed coffee. This should take around 20-30 seconds, keep pressing until you hear a ‘hissing’ sound
Aim to have all your coffee out and brewed by 3:20 – 3:30 minutes.

First thing to do is to boil your kettle. Fill the base of the moka pot up to the top mark with the hot water.
Add your coffee. This needs to be a fine/medium grind. Coarser than espresso, but finer than filter. The water needs to be able to flow through the coffee freely. We use the filter basket as a guide to how much coffee to put in rather than sticking to a specific brew ratio. Just fill it up
Level the grounds off with your finger, but remember not to pack down or tamp the grounds. Leave them loose.
Carefully place the filter basket in to the base.
Using a tea towel to hold the base, screw on the top chamber.
Turn your heat on. We recommend a medium heat to start with. Using hot water in the base allows the water to reach brewing temperature more gradually.
The next bit is key. Lower the heat when you hear the water start to boil in the base. You’re aiming for the coffee to ooze out of the top spout like honey (and yes, you can keep the lid open!). You do this by controlling the heat. There’s a knack to it, but when you nail it you’ll know. If the coffee comes shooting out and spluttering it’s too hot and you’ll burn the coffee.
Keep controlling the heat to keep the coffee flowing out smoothly. As the bottom chamber starts to empty there will be some spitting and spluttering. This is normal.
Once you hear a hissing sound and the top chamber is full take the moka pot off the heat and serve immediately. Leave to cool before drinking as it will be hot!

30g ground coffee – Ground coarse
500ml filtered water
Pour hot water on your coffee and let it sit for 4min.
Then after 4 mins have passed take two tablespoons and stir the coffee. The coffee crust that has formed on the top will start to fall to the bottom. Using the two tablespoons just scoop out the remaining foam that is left on the top and put it in the bin.
For best results, let it brew for a further 5 min so the coffee cools slightly whilst the remaining coffee sediment settles on the bottom.
Put in your plunger, but only press it halfway. Be gentle when pouring as you don’t want to stir up the grounds that have sunk to the bottom. This will give you a much cleaner tasting coffee without any grounds floating around your cup.